Coil Lifting Yoke & Plate Lifting Yoke


Coil Lifting Yoke & Plate Lifting Yoke

HEMA Coil Lifting Yoke

HEMA Coil Lifting Yoke is a specialized electric lifting yoke designed for handling coils.

The coil yoke is manufactured according to specific requirements for SWL and dimensions on coils.

HEMA Plate Lifting Yoke

HEMA Plate Lifting Yoke is a specialized electric lifting yoke designed for handling plates and plate packs.

The Plate Lifting Yoke is designed according to specific requirements for SWL and dimensions on plates and packages.

The yoke is delivered with manual or electrical extensions on the arms.

Coil lifting yokes

Plate lifting yokes

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HEMA Coil Lifting Yoke

HEMA Coil Lifting Yoke is a specialized electric lifting yoke designed for handling coils.

The coil yoke is manufactured according to specific requirements for SWL and dimensions on coils.

HEMA Plate Lifting Yoke

HEMA Plate Lifting Yoke is a specialized electric lifting yoke designed for handling plates and plate packs.

The Plate Lifting Yoke is designed according to specific requirements for SWL and dimensions on plates and packages.

The yoke is delivered with manual or electrical extensions on the arms.

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